In 1715, there was an attempted rising by Jacobites against the Hanoverian monarchy. This became known as 'the 15.' Jacobites longed for a restoration of the Stuart dynasty and from 1707 they were ...
While access to a new British trading empire brings some Scots vast wealth others seek to turn back the clock to a Scotland governed by the Stuarts. Rebellions and risings ensue ...
In its heyday, it was the most produced whisky in all of Scotland. Now, many imbibers don't even recognize its name.
Scotland's History Union and Jacobites The 1745 Jacobite Rising The Adobe Flash player and Javascript are required in order to view a video which appears on this page ...
Maria Clementina Sobieski – one of just three women buried in St Peter’s Basilica – lived a life of extraordinary defiance ...
The Jacobite rising had "nothing to do with 'freedom and independence for Scotland'", Tombs said, and many Scots were "much keener on Union than the English". But the idea that many of the ...
I love the Scottish history that ties in with the scenery, such as Glencoe’s link with the Jacobite uprising – it really brings the landscape to life. After leading different tours to ...
From 1707 they were supported by Scottish anti-Union groups ... Royal Navy stopped a French-aided invasion by Jacobites. The failure of the 1708 rebellion led to increased determination amongst ...