GARDAI are targeting four offences on Irish roads as they ramp up checkpoints this St Patrick’s Bank Holiday weekend.
Gardaí and the Road Safety Authority (RSA) have appealed to motorists to plan ahead and organise a safe way home this St ...
A section of Irish Road where traffic is already restricted because of a sewer installation project will get even more ...
Gardaí have confirmed that a new speed camera will be in operation in Limerick beginning on Friday. The brand new static ...
A Celtic Cross at City Hall and a Blackstone Canal Builders sculpture are among the new sites on the expanded trail.
Irish music band Reverie Road will perform at Brewster Academy on Saturday, March 22, at 7 p.m. as the seventh of nine ...
Atlanta’s St. Patrick’s parade, celebrating the Irish holiday since 1858, will gallivant along Peachtree Street in Midtown on Saturday.
Darragh O'Brien has said he is keen to build on the success of the Bike To Work Scheme which allows employers to buy bikes ...