Melleray was founded in 1832 by a group of 64 Irish Cistercian monks, who were forced to leave their monastery at Melleray in Brittany when the French revolution of 1830 led to the introduction of ...
There, they will form a new community to be known as Our Lady of Silence. Cistercian monks first came to Ireland in 1142, at the invitation of St Malachy of Armagh, making their initial foundation ...
The “Annals of the Four Masters’, compiled by Irish monks in the 17th century, tells of a wondrous happening in the year 558: “In this year was taken the mermaid, Líban…in the net of ...
The first recorded Viking raid on Ireland was in AD795. This raid, on the monastery at Rathlin Island off the Antrim coast, was just the beginning of many years of Viking attacks on Christian ...
Monastery Court, located on Church Road, Lusk, Co. Dublin, has been shortlisted under the “Best Housing Development” category ...