We started by telling the story of El Batallón de San Patricio(“Saint Patrick’s Battalion”), aka the San Patricios, Irish ...
As a teenager, he was an apprentice to the Irish American photographer ... For the first year of the Civil War, O’Sullivan worked with Brady, and then in 1862 became assistant to colleague ...
or the political violence precipitating the Irish Civil War of 1922-1923—the subject of his Burns Scholar Lecture on March 2 at 5:30 p.m. in the Burns Library Thompson Room. A collaboration between ...
It was an “unspeakable war,” wrote one journalist, and “a story that nobody dared to tell.” But contrary to popular assumption, the tragic Irish Civil War of 1922-1923—a wrenching, destructive run-up ...
“In my view there are a number of reasons for the scale of Irish American recipients. During the Civil War, when most awards were earned, the Irish and Germans were by far the two largest ...
“American Requiem ... A story set during New York's Civil War draft riots. Lincoln needed bodies; the Irish were coming in droves; New York was almost burned down. Looking for Irish book ...
In the century following the Irish Civil War (1922-1923), monuments were erected across the country to honour those who lost their lives and different causes for which they died. There is nothing ...
Perhaps the most well-known nativist movement arose in the decades before the Civil War. The American Party ... used ethnic stereotypes to depict Irish and German immigrants as national threats ...
At Fredericksburg, Pickett's men cut down the courageous "Irish brigade ... He distinguished himself in battle during the Mexican-American War and on the frontier, along the Texas border and ...