The Deputy Chief Executive of Wexford County Council has moved to defend a traffic warden, following an incident last month ...
It’s a luxury that perhaps people in Wexford take for granted. With a proliferation of award-winning amateur drama groups ...
“We are looking forward to investing in the property in the future to ensure its status as one of Wexford Town’s most popular hotels remains.” Would you like a lunchtime summary of content ...
MAJOR boost for hundreds of customers as popular bar confirms reopening after the shocking sudden closure earlier this year.
For a fun day’s excursion, head to the Irish National Heritage Park in Ferrycarrig, just outside of Wexford Town, where Nadia stops off on the first day of her trip. There you’ll find over ...
in both Enniscorthy and Wexford town. She is also the President of the Cambodian Community in Ireland, and is currently studying for a degree in politics and international relations. The Miss ...