Spring in Ireland traditionally starts on St Brigid's Day, February 1 ... at the foot of a high cross in Ireland. Similarly, our Goddess had a sacred cow that suckled a king, the same as Queen ...
St. Brigid's Day is linked to the Celtic festival of Imbolc, heralding the return of spring on February 1. The Celtic Goddess Bríd was regarded as a goddess of healing and the ancient Celts ...
In the 1,500th anniversary year of St. Brigid’s death, scores of craftswomen, pupils, and writers have been celebrating her legacy in Bringing St. Brigid’s Cloak to Life. The project was imagined by ...
Herstory ran the successful campaign to make Brigid's Day Ireland’s a national holiday - the first in honour of a woman. The Goddess Brigid was a pan-European Celtic goddess, honoured from ...