Representatives of Derry’s Factory Girls were given the honour of unwrapping the new sculpture in Derry city centre on ...
Looking up at Derry’s newest mural in the heart of the Bogside, dedicated to one of the city’s most inspiring women, Nell ...
DERRY — The second of three Gateway District visioning sessions on Monday found that cafes, art galleries and breweries would not bring business to the area around Madden Road and Ash Street ...
Artist Sean Derry will debut his exhibit “From Always Until Now” this Friday, March 7 at Bunnell Street Arts Center. The ...
The archive will go on display at the state-of-the-art Derry-Londonderry North Atlantic (DNA) Museum, which is scheduled to open at Ebrington Square in autumn 2026. Funding of £39,620 for the ...
A mural commissioned in memory of the writer and feminist campaigner Nell McCafferty is due to be officially unveiled in Derry this afternoon.