The truce lasted for a varying amount of time. In some areas it was just Christmas Eve or Christmas Day itself. But elsewhere the truce endured for several days. Indeed, once the truce was ...
They shared drinks, played football, embraced ... A soldier writes in his diary about the events of the famous Christmas Truce during the first year of World War 1. The truce begins with the ...
and even played football. Now, that’s a powerful Christ-mas Carol! It inspired a truce on the front lines of World War I. And, isn’t that why we go to church (on Christmas Eve or anytime?) ...
The Christmas Truce of 1914, in which German, British and French soldiers temporarily stopped fighting to celebrate the holiday, was another example of this grand illusion asserting itself.
Narrated by Dan Snow, this edition begins with the Christmas Truce of 1914, when German and British troops mingled and played football in No Man's Land on the Western Front. Veterans recall the ...