Carton de Wiart died in 1963 at the age of 83, but his exploits have inspired generations of service members in the United ...
Afrikaner residents in Orania celebrated the popular Irish holiday St Patrick's Day on 17 March and thanked the Irish for ...
At the turn of the 20 th century, the Boer War held all the promise of noble and heroic adventure for thousands of young Canadian men. And for the nation it was an opportunity to show the world ...
A Defence Select Committee said over the weekend that a war ... of the military quite rapidly." The UK armed forces has about 138,00 personnel with about 75,000 being enlisted in the British ...
Relentlessly, history rolls on and events that were once within reach of human memory can no longer be recalled.
The British army source told the Times that the issues UK soldiers were facing were 'swept under the carpet' while the MoD was portraying that the military was ready for war. An MoD spokesperson ...