The Gulf War would solidify the M1A1 Abrams’ legacy as one of the most iconic and effective armored vehicles in modern ...
It would go down as the largest battle of Operation Desert Storm, yet it wasn’t much of a fight. After Coalition forces drove Iraqi occupiers out of Kuwait in February 1991, U.S. Special Forces ...
Cordesman's book, The Gulf ... Desert Shield, a net assessment comparing Iraqi and each of the major Coalition military forces, and a detailed analysis of the history and lessons of each phase of ...
Illinois Army National Guard Lt. Col. Michael Barton, of Greenview, was 12 years old when the Persian Gulf War, known as Operation Desert Storm, started in 1991. “I remember when the conflict ...
The segments on the Patriot missile system's performance in Israel during the Gulf War included in the WGBH ... tactical ballistic missiles during Desert Storm is far more complicated and complex ...
In late January 1991 US president George Bush announced the beginning of Operation Desert Storm ... Army and worked as a medic on the Saudi/Iraq border. He's now a trustee of the National Gulf ...
Cipriano DelBosque, “Cip” to his friends, was awarded the Bronze Star Medal for bravery from his actions while serving in the U.S. Army during Operation Desert Storm. That it took 34 years to ...