Puffins are enchanting little seabirds. Here are 9 fascinating facts about puffins and their marvellous, yet sometimes challenging, lives in the wild.
Smallest of the four puffin species, they have come en masse ... how and where Fratercula arctica (“little friar of the Arctic,” so named for its monkish, dark-colored hood) spends the rest ...
Across the snowy Arctic lands and along the rocky coasts, you’ll find amazing creatures like the musk ox, puffins, and Arctic foxes. Reindeer wander freely through the open landscapes ...
The birds spend most of their lives in the open ocean. Observing birds at sea is nearly impossible, so much about puffins remains a mystery. Ecologists like Erpur Snær Hansen, who leads a team at the ...
It was a whiteout when I arrived in Vardo – a small settlement clinging to the arctic coast in northeastern ... spectacle – tens of thousands of puffins and guillemots, that arrive to nest ...
Puffins mate for life and live in cliffside ... including the St. Lawrence estuary, Hudson Bay and the Arctic Ocean. In fact, this species is only found in countries that border the Arctic Ocean ...
On land, you can encounter Arctic foxes, reindeer, and the sturdy musk oxen, and seabirds like puffins, Arctic terns, and sea eagles. Also read: Avoid immigration nightmares: Visa and travel rules ...
I often gaze at the sea and seabirds imagining what my ancestors would have seen – would there have been more or fewer Tammie Nories, Solans, Maas and Tirricks (Puffin, Gannet, Herring Gulls, Arctic ...