Agher is a crossroads and townland in County Meath, Ireland. It is located 3 km southwest of Summerhill. Agher is in a civil parish of the same name. Turn left at the crossroads; continue a kilometre down the road and on the left is the entrance to Agher Demesne or also called Agher Pallis. This was the seat of the Winter family, and had a number of out-houses, gardeā¦Agher is a crossroads and townland in County Meath, Ireland. It is located 3 km southwest of Summerhill. Agher is in a civil parish of the same name. Turn left at the crossroads; continue a kilometre down the road and on the left is the entrance to Agher Demesne or also called Agher Pallis. This was the seat of the Winter family, and had a number of out-houses, gardens, and orchards. The residence was situated in a demesne of about 350 acres. It is said that the cottages on his estate were excellent, showing Winter's regard for comfort of his tenants and employees.