Niwot High School choirs traveled to Orlando, Florida, on Mar. 13 to compete at Festival Disney, an all Disney-produced music ...
Each spring season, Niwot High School presents a musical production ranging from "Mamma Mia" to "Shrek The Musical." This ...
The Left Hand Valley Courier is known for its coverage of athletes and arts students at Niwot High School. The Courier also ...
Niwot High School lacrosse players traveled to San Marcos and Carlsbad California March 17 and 18 as members of the Mead High ...
Who doesn't love waking up to the aroma of fresh breads, rolls and pastries warm from the oven? These breakfast sweets also ...
Niwot High School's Math Club is a student organization that supports students who are interested in, excelling in, or struggling in math. Math Club president Katherine Cui, a NHS senior, explained, ...
Drew Stapp is the definition of a two-sport athlete. A senior leader for Niwot High School's baseball team and a top golfer, he has been making his mark on both fields of play. With a career .291 ...
Keynes Chen, Niwot High School's orchestra and mariachi director, has been named Niwot High School's Teacher of the Year by the St. Vrain Valley Schools Education Foundation. His recognition comes as ...
The Niwot High School track and field team braved another windy spring day on Saturday, March 22 at the Broomfield Shootout. The girls team placed second overall, behind only host Broomfield High ...
In a move aimed at supporting local agriculture and expanding economic opportunities for farmers, the Boulder County Planning Commission unanimously approved text amendments to the Land Use Code that ...
An ad hoc committee of community leaders will host an open house anniversary party for Niwot's sesquicentennial on Sunday, March 30 from 12 noon to 3 p.m. at Niwot Hall. The event will commemorate ...
Calling all photographers, intentional or accidental! The Left Hand Valley Courier’s Photo of the Week feature is open to any area resident who personally photographs Niwot-Gunbarrel area sights, ...