“The entire physical universe was created for God’s glory. When we rebelled, the universe fell under the weight of our sin. Yet God did not give up on us.” - Randy Alcorn ...
Jesus is saying that biblically unwarranted anger, contempt, and hatred in your heart is the same as “murder.” It is murder.
“It’s a little bit of a bummer to realize that later I’ll look back at the me I am now and be glad I’m not entirely the same me any longer. But [ 1 Tim 4.15] has mainly been an encouragement. It means ...
“The church has also largely recovered after years of turmoil following the 2018 resignation of longtime pastor Bill Hybels amid allegations of sexual misconduct. Hybels’ handpicked successors and the ...
“In an alternative form of the same twisted logic that celebrates the exploitation of women by calling it empowerment, the Tates are defended for countering woke, anti-male culture by being awful men.
As for Me,” says the LORD, “this is My covenant with them: My Spirit who is upon you, and My words which I have put in your ...
“One of the report’s most striking revelations is that being kind and expecting kindness from others—believing that your wallet would be returned if you lost it—are stronger predictors of happiness ...
“It’s no wonder that this culture quickly becomes littered with enormous numbers of broken and now irreparable relationships. Politics itself becomes a new kind of religion, one without any means of ...
“the following discussion examines past, present, and prospective applications of AI, identifies theological principles for thinking about AI, and applies these principles to consider AI’s bioethical ...
“The study found that 87% of evangelical clergy said they would encourage their congregants to seek help from a mental health professional when suffering from depression. (85% of Black Protestants, 97 ...
We’re supposed to have the supernatural, the unseen, on our minds all the time as Christians. It’s a vital feature of the ...
Although Gideon is certainly a man driven by his anxieties when we first meet him in Judges 6, the magnificent ...