Doctor Slump is a heartwarming romantic comedy that cleverly explores the journey of two individuals, Nam Ha Neul and Yeo Jeong Woo, both experiencing slumps in their careers and personal lives.
K-dramas have championed the romance genre with their heartwarming tales, year after year. In 2024, the mush fest continued ...
“Lovely Runner was never supposed to be 2024′s best K-drama. It didn’t have the industry’s biggest budgets or its most ...
Asia Artist Awards 2024 saw many fan favourite artists being awarded. From Lovely Runner to Blackpink's Rose and girl band ...
"While romantic melodrama remains a backbone of the Korean TV industry, the popularity of a show like 'Squid Game' has ...
K-drama lovers, with a diverse range of genres and captivating storylines. From the heartwarming time-travel romance of ...
After being killed by her cheating husband, Kang Ji-won is sent back in time and plots to have her best friend marry him ...
Jenek said working alongside city panto legend Billy Pearce had been a particular highlight. "At 73, he is the most energetic ...