MUMBAI: The trailer of the upcoming streaming crime drama series ‘Chidiya Udd’ was unveiled on Wednesday. It follows the ... founder Anupam Mittal humorously suggests OYO discount codes for couples, sparking a social media debate.
Anupam Mittal, Ritesh Agarwal, Aman Gupta, Namita Thapar, Peyush Bansal, and Vineeta Singh have returned to the Shark Tank ...
An entrepreneur named Gauri Varma pitched her confectionary brand in the recent episode of Shark Tank India 4.
Anupam Mittal’s lighthearted suggestion for OYO CEO Ritesh Agarwal following changes in OYO’s check-in rules has sparked ...
MUMBAI: Shark Tank India is a platform where age knows no bounds, proving that anyone with a compelling idea and a drive to ...
Pitcher Gauri Varma wasn't too happy with how Anupam Mittal and Peyush Bansal spoke to her on the first episode of the new ...
Shark Tank India 4' pitcher got angry with Anupam Mittal and Peyush Bansal, as she didn't like the way the sharks talked to ...
Beauty impressed all the sharks. Vineeta Singh, who runs a successful cosmetic brand herself, shared that she has heard of ...
Ritesh Agarwal first founded a company named Oravel Stays in 2011. In 2013, its name was changed and the company was launched ...