Legendary trumpeter, composer, and A&M Records co-founder Herb Alpert is bringing his iconic sound back to the stage for an unforgettable evening.
Grab your trumpet, clarinet and sheet music because we’re heading to band class with our next News19 Teacher of the Week.
John Baptiste McClellan III’s instruments were a scalpel and his trumpet. The orthopedic surgeon ... “He just had a love of music and a gentle soul.” Dr. McClellan served as a reservist ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. At the Stax Music Academy, students are using soul and R&B music from the 1960s and 1970s to teach lessons ...
Here’s how it works. Spotify is the biggest music streaming service in the world. It's got an enormous collection of tracks to listen to, a growing audiobook library, and some of the best music ...
An Australian billionaire who launched a rebranded political party “heavily inspired” by President Donald Trump claimed 10,000 people signed up to join his “Trumpet of Patriots” party on ...
Mr Palmer announced on Wednesday that he had joined the largely unknown micro party, which was reportedly first registered with the AEC in 2011, after his attempts to re-register the United ...
Loading So excited was Palmer that he stumbled over the brave new name and called it, briefly, Trumpet of Parrots. Which, spookily, sounded perfectly apt. We can barely wait to see Palmer ...
In this cheat sheet, we go over the most useful new features in the four core Office apps. We’ll start with tips that apply across the Office suite and move on to the individual apps ...
In what could be Mr Palmer’s final chance to spend big on Australian politics due to strict new donation and spending caps coming into effect in 2026, it is expected Trumpet of the Patriots will ...
The mining magnate is the chairman of his new party, Trumpet of Patriots, which will run on Trump-inspired policies and aims to sway voters away from the major parties as well as the Greens and teals.
Prop Stylist: Sophia Eleni Pappas. A tray bake in the U.K. is what we in North America would call a sheet-pan dinner. I like the British term, a more succinct and, I think, euphonious name for an ...