Over the weekend, former NASA engineer and YouTuber Mark Rober published a video that sought to demonstrate the difference ...
YouTuber Mark Rober drove a Tesla Model Y on Autopilot at a fake road wall and extreme rain and fog to test it against a ...
Former NASA engineer and YouTuber Mark Rober pitted Tesla Inc's (NASDAQ:TSLA) Autopilot system against a lidar system from ...
YouTube Mark Rober shared a video alleging Tesla FSD failed to detect a wall painted to look like a road, but his video ...
YouTuber compares a LiDar-equipped Lexus with a Tesla’s camera-based assistance tech to see which demolishes fewer dummies ...
A video experiment intended to test the capability of Tesla’s ‘Autopilot’ has exposed a flaw in the camera-based system. A ...
A group of Tesla fans and investors has inadvertently exposed Tesla’s shadiness regarding crashes involving Autopilot by ...
Mark Rober is a YouTuber, former NASA engineer, and educator. He rose to fame with his educational channel on YouTube and Crunch Labs and for simplifying complex scientific discourses.