Trump’s second withdrawal from the Paris Accords follows long-standing opposition from many in the Republican Party to the scientific consensus around climate change and international climate ...
The former EPA administrator, a Republican, is offering a third way with a new political party called Forward.
As the world grapples with how to tackle climate change, countries that signed the Paris Agreement outline their commitments ...
WASHINGTON--President Donald Trump says he will again withdraw the United States, a top carbon polluting nation, from the landmark Paris climate ... that if Trump, a Republican, “truly wants ...
As global temperatures climb higher year after year, the Earth heads toward a new era marked by a prospective breach of the Paris Agreement. Signed in 2016, the international climate treaty set a ...
In his new book, Peter Hayes looks at corporate complicity in Nazi Germany and points to parallels with how companies are ...
Parties to the Paris Climate Agreement are required to submit updated national climate plans or Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) every five years to the United Nations Framework Convention ...