O f all the things Nissan is famous for, autonomous driving technology isn't one of them; your Rogue won't park itself ...
On Monday, a driverless car took to public roads in Japan for the first time. Nissan was testing its latest autonomous ...
Using a network of sensors and cameras, Japanese carmaker Nissan says it's developed a self-driving car capable of navigating ...
A driverless Nissan Serena minivan has successfully drivven on the busy streets of Yokohama without knocking anyone over!
Nissan has taken a significant step toward premiering its new autonomous mobility service that aims to compete with major ...
A consortium of five industry partners has successfully completed the UK’s latest autonomous driving (AD) research project – ...
A consortium of five industry partners has completed the UK's latest autonomous driving research project – evolvAD - the most ...
The project tested AD technology in diverse environments and developed infrastructure to enhance CAV performance.
Japanese automaker Nissan showcased on Monday its latest autonomous-drive (AD) technology in Yokohama’s Minato Mirai area.
Japanese car manufacturer Nissan has unveiled new test vehicles for automated driving at its headquarters in Yokohama. They ...