Then, on Passover eve, on April 19, German police and SS forces entered the Warsaw ghetto intent upon completing the ...
The spectre of World War Three shows we are failing to learn from the past. One organisation battling to improve our ...
Firms from Germany, South Korea, Turkey and France are bidding to create an ammunition manufacturing joint venture with ...
In July 1942, Nazi Germany ordered the systematic extermination of the Jewish population in the Polish capital of Warsaw. Jews had been confined to the Warsaw Ghetto from November 1940 ...
Poland commemorated heroic Catholic families, clergy, and religious sisters who saved Jews from the Holocaust—often at the ...
WARSAW, Poland — Stanislawa Wasilewska was 42 when she was captured by Nazi German troops on Aug. 31, 1944, in Warsaw and sent to the women's concentration camp at Ravensbrück, Germany.
But in November, the German broadsheet Welt reported that her grandfather Hans Weidel was made chief judge of the brutal Warsaw military court in 1944 in a document signed personally by Adolf Hitler.
To gain a better understanding of how Poland gained independence, visit the Warsaw Uprising Museum ... touch on the country's occupation by Nazi Germany and the post-war years.
The Warsaw Uprising of 1944 does not sit quietly among the distant historical events that populate the hundreds of years of Poland’s existence. On your first day in Warsaw, you may already begin to ...
Having recently visited Führer Hitler at Berchtesgaden, entertained German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop at Warsaw and signed a commercial treaty and reaffirmed a non-aggression pact ...
In Germany in 1914, at the beginning of World War One, there had been great enthusiasm for war. In 1939, this was no longer the case as the vast majority of Germans only reluctantly supported the war.
Companies from Türkiye, Germany, South Korea and France are seeking to establish a partnership with Poland for ammunition ...