Pushpa 2 has made around Rs 100 crore just in Hindi in its third week. The total collection of the film so far in all languages is Rs 1122.54 crore now. 'Pushpa 2: The Rule' has set the box office ...
This year, for the first time in a while, a movie gave me the boost of serotonin that only hits my brain when I’m watching a great rom-com. It happened near the end of the Netflix film Hit Man ...
A free-spirited gumiho, Eun Ho, prefers her fox-like existence, actively avoiding humanity. However, a fateful encounter with narcissistic soccer player Kang Si Yeol accidentally turns her human.
What’s the best movie I can watch on Netflix? We’ve all asked ourselves this question, only to spend the next 15 minutes scrolling through the streaming service’s oddly specific genre menus ...
The Museum of Modern Art acquired its first artworks in 1929, the year it was established. Today, MoMA’s evolving collection contains almost 200,000 works from around the world spanning the last 150 ...
Multi-platform desktop application written in Electron and Angular that helps organize your MSX software collection and run it on openMSX, WebMSX (offline mode) and blueMSX.
Required file extensions and rom versions are based on default emulator core requirements. Make sure your American Laser Games (Singe 1) games are Hypseus-Singe based ...
The Android developer community is huge, and with customization being the biggest selling point of the OS, there are community hobby projects called Custom ROMs, bringing unending customization ...
Trying to figure out if you’re capable of doing that. A custom ROM for Android allows you to maximize its functionality. Firmware for Android-powered smartphones can be modified with a custom Android ...
Paying tribute to the entertainers who died this year.