Shōnen anime and manga series are known for giving their characters a variety of power-ups in the form of...well, forms. In Dragon Ball, Goku gains levels of Super Saiyan. In Bleach, Ichigo can ...
The peaceful Elbaf Kingdom will soon see its darkest days in ages after the appearance of new enemies and Luffy has the power ...
Luffy’s Gear 5 form was highly anticipated by One Piece fans, and it brought out a new side of Luffy that was far from noble ...
One Piece is purposely holding Luffy back as his greatest power has one major issue and the manga must solve it.
what Luffy calls Gear 5. The Straw Hat Pirates are now a Yonko crew. Here are its Yonko level members in One Piece. Clearly, Gear 5 is one of the most unique powers that fans have seen not just in ...
Luffy then disappears and goes into Gear Third, sending an Elephant Gun at Colon which he dodges. The skirmish continues as the other Giant kids yell at Colon, who has since stopped attacking ...