I write this as Israel’s genocidal practices seem unstoppable, with no ceasefire in Gaza or Jenin. I am trying to fathom the ...
Last week was the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp in 1945 when the true horror of the Nazi crimes against the Jewish people was exposed as the Soviet Red army swept ...
The Wannsee Conference was held on January 20, 1942, near Berlin, Germany. Fifteen high-level German officials from various ...
You'll learn about the history of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939 and the arrival of Reinhard Heydrich as a representative of the Reich Protector in September 1941 ...
When she asked what grandpa Ernst did in the Third Reich, Katrin Himmler’s father used to tell her that he was basically an apolitical man who was prodded into joining the Nazi Party by his elder ...
Eines der am weitesten verbreiteten Narrative über den Nationalsozialismus ist das der okkultistischen Führungsriege, die angeblich keinen Schritt tat, ohne sich vorher ein Horoskop erstellen zu lasse ...