EMS funding, open container law and classification of income from sports betting were all addressed in the list of new laws.
Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed several bills into law on Friday, even though she skipped a high-profile ribbon cutting at ...
Governor Kim Reynolds did not attend a scheduled ribbon-cutting ceremony Friday morning at the University of Northern Iowa, ...
The hands-free driving bill has now passed through the Iowa House and Senate and is on its way to the desk of Governor Kim ...
Iowa is one of the top five states for medical practitioners, according to WalletHub research. The state ranks second overall ...
Roughly 7 years after it was first proposed, handsfree driving legislation has made it to Gov. Kim Reynolds’ desk.
With bipartisan support, the Iowa House passed the governor's proposal to address health care workforce shortages and boost rural health care access.
Drivers in Iowa will be prohibited from operating cell phones and other devices with their hands once Reynolds signs it into ...
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird filed suit Thursday in an escalation of a dispute over whether a sheriff's office is ...
A union of more than 10,000 trade workers in Iowa are calling on Gov. Kim Reynolds to veto a workforce development bill they ...
Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed nearly a dozen bills into law Friday. Among them is a new law that would require anyone ...