Hunter College removed a job listing for a Palestinian Studies professor at the direction of New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, the ...
New York’s governor ordered a state school to remove a job posting for a Palestinian studies teaching position this week, ...
Hunter College - which makes up one of City University of New York's (Cuny) 25 campuses - advertised it was seeking both humanities and social sciences faculty to take “a critical lens to issues ...
The language in the listing included terms — like “settler colonialism,” “apartheid” and “genocide” — that Jewish groups said ...
The faculty union at the City University of New York objected to Gov. Hochul’s order to interrupt the hiring process for a ...
Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered the City University of New York to immediately shut down a “Palestinian Studies” professorship posting at Hunter College that critics argued promotes hateful instruction that ...
The faculty union at the City University of New York objected to Gov. Kathy Hochul’s order to interrupt the hiring process ...
Lefty taxpayer-funded Hunter College is promoting hateful instruction targeting Israel for “settler colonialism, genocide,” ...
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul ordered CUNY to remove a Hunter College posting for a "Palestinian Studies" professorship that ...
System leaders took down a job posting for a Palestinian studies professor at Governor Hochul’s insistence. Faculty say it’s ...