The house, until this year, had always been in private hands. A U.S.-based group, the "Counter Extremism Project," has ...
Rudolf Höss leitete das Konzentrationslager Auschwitz – und lebte mit seiner Familie gleich nebenan. Sein Haus wurde zuerst zum Schauplatz des fulminanten Films «Zone of interest». Jetzt entsteht dort ...
The film, directed by Jared Hess and featuring stars like Jack Black and Jason Momoa, follows a group of misfits as they navigate the challenges of the game’s Overworld. Disguise plans to launch ...
Directed by Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite), the film follows a group of misfits who travel through a portal to the Overworld. Lead by Steve (played by Jack Black) and Garrett “The Garbage Man ...
Directed by Jared Hess (Napoleon Dynamite), the film follows a group of misfits who travel through a portal to the Overworld. Lead by Steve (played by Jack Black) and Garrett “The Garbage Man” ...
The stills have been taken from reels of film shown at the Nuremberg Trials, which sit in the US National Archives, and painstakingly colourised by Matt Mason of Spaceship Earth, a historical ...
Am 27. Januar 1945 befreite die Rote Armee Auschwitz. Anlässlich des Jahrestages veröffentlichen wir noch einmal diesen Text aus dem Jahr 2015. Die damals 81-jährige Tochter des Auschwitz ...