PlayStation Network is done across the board on PS4 and PS5 in the United States, impacting millions of PSN users.
A reader thinks that the era of video games consoles is coming to an end and that the Nintendo Switch 2 will be the last ...
While it is normally priced at $129.99, the discount Amazon is running right now drops that all the way down to $104. This is ...
Smash your friends so hard whole planets break in half. Ram skyscrapers, whales and asteroids in their face, chase them and ...
Trails Through Daybreak 2 makes a few missteps with the pacing of its multiversal story, but it puts a focus on quality ...
Rift Apart and Bioshock Infinite both took good advantage of it to open their stories up to new possibilities, for example, ...
Watch the latest Tomb Raider 4-6 Remastered trailer for the upcoming collection of remastered classic Tomb Raider games. The ...
Sales figures from Take-Two have unintentionally revealed the divide between the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S, and it isn't ...