Students could select just one race before 2002, multiple races plus Hispanic origin from 2003 to 2013, and any combination of race/ethnicity after 2013; Chart: Kavya Beheraj/Axios The number of ...
To its credit, Indiana retains 67% of Hoosier graduates who earn a bachelor’s degree at an Indiana college or university. However, that number is only 15% for non-residents, according to Indiana’s ...
Members of the Indiana Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee voted 7-1 in favor of Senate Bill (SB) 419.
Bonner recognized she'll be marrying the twilight of her career with Clark's unprecedented ascension in the sport.
A hospital executive with a background in nursing has been appointed president of Parkview Health’s northeast market.
As a nurse practitioner with extensive clinical, academic and advocacy experience, I must address several misconceptions in Dr. Richard Feldman’s Jan. 29 piece (“Physicians still best option for ...