Non-native plants are those not originating in this country, but also those not native to a specific ecosystem.
Invasive trees are a threat to rangelands. Early detection is key to rapid response in managing them. The tamarisk tree is ...
If you’re thinking of planting for pollinators this spring, I will be teaching a one-hour class at the Columbus Public ...
Can trees from warmer places withstand Western Washington's sogginess? Forestry workers are starting a trial to find out.
The term “Cedar Fever” is well known in the ... significant in rural landscapes. While sweetgum trees are best known for their spiky seed pods, they’re also a spring allergy culprit.
Louisiana's pollen forecast shows high levels, which makes allergy levels increase as well. Find out where pollen is the worst and allergy symtoms.
Nest boxes help many species of birds, including eastern bluebirds, tree swallows and wood ducks, by providing protection ...
Pennsylvania Game Commission field forester Marty Cirelli is currently spearheading a project aimed at managing woody invasive shrubs along Windy Valley Road just south of Forkston. The Windy ...
Ben Napier crafted a greenhouse and garden with thoughtful materials and plants as a gift for his wife, Erin, and to instill ...
Plants add curb appeal, but some will overgrow your home or uproot your foundation. These vines, trees, and shrubs shouldn't ...
Each spring, flowering plants produce and release pollen in order to form and fertilize seeds ... Also, common trees that trigger pollen allergies in Louisiana include cedar, ash, maple, oak ...