A child mistaking an adult actress in an explicit ad for a popular YouTuber is yet another troubling example of YouTube's ongoing bad ads problem.
YouTube ads are getting more frustrating, with some users reporting unskippable ads that are nearly an hour long. Are ad blockers to blame?
A user on Reddit has recently encountered an hour-long unskippable ad on YouTube. The issue could be attributed to an ad blocker, which Google is proactively cracking down on. Google issued a statement in response to the post confirming its efforts to combat ad blockers,
Metal pistons come out of nowhere to prod the 3D gold cube, which appears to be made out of some kind of immovable but highly deformable semi-liquid jelly-like substance. It's incredibly satisfying to see the corners pop out to reform to their original shape each time the cube is pressed.
Google has offered an explanation for why these ads are happening and what users can do about it. Whether the explanation is satisfying?
A ban on links to X content began on Reddit sports forums and has spread to numerous other sub-Reddits with more discussing the move.
YouTube's ads frustrate users, with misleading and explicit content affecting both children and adults, despite Google’s claims.
YouTube users have reported encountering excessively long, un-skippable ads, with some lasting between 57 minutes to 3 hours. Screenshots shared on Reddit even show ads longer than the actual video being watched.
YouTube has become a bit of a joke when it comes to being an advertising platform. Several years ago, the company fell out of favor with a ton of
Users reported about unskippable YouTube ads that are nearly three hours long, though there's a chance that it's an ad blocker malfunction
Reddit’s 190.9% visibility surge raises concerns about Google’s ranking fairness, favoring user-generated content.
A software engineer shares how he manages five side hustles that collectively bring in more money than his six-figure job. Automation is the key.