Are you passionate about gender equality and the Women, Peace, and Security agenda? Do you strive to amplify the voices of Palestinian women under occupation and advocate for their rights?" This is ...
هل أنت ملتزمة بالعدالة بين الجنسين وأجندة المرأة والسلام والأمن؟ هل تسعين لإعلاء صوت النساء الفلسطينيات تحت الاحتلال وتعزيز حقوقهن؟ هذه ...
Citizen’s Budget 2023- Ministry of National Economy Citizen’s Budget 2023- Ministry of Local Government ...
The shocking human cost that occupation has taken on Palestinian women is laid bare in research published today. Combining research, extensive surveys, and first-hand testimonies from over 40 ...
The tax system is a financial and economic policy tool through which society's goals and objectives are realized based on its intellectual philosophy and ideology. Thus, the tax system is based on ...
The tax system is a financial and economic policy tool through which society's goals and objectives are realized based on its intellectual philosophy and ideology. Thus, the tax system is based on ...
Palestinian Jerusalemites face a myriad of challenges in the occupied city, one of which is education. The Israeli occupation interferes in every detail of life in Jerusalem, in a bid to stifle ...
تأسست في القدس في كانون أول 1998، تسعى مفتاح إلى تفعيل مبادئ الديمقراطية والحكم الصالح في المجتمع الفلسطيني بمكوناته المختلفة، والتأثير في ...
في الثالث عشر من شهر تشرين الثاني، من عام 2008، وفي حفل تكريمي، نظِّم في مقر منظمة الأمم المتحدة للأطفال/ يونيسيف، في مدينة نيويورك؛ احتفلت ...