(JTA) — About a decade ago, Rainer Hoess began making media appearances to discuss the actions of his grandfather Rudolf, the longest-serving commander of the Auschwitz death camp. Eloquent and ...
In a tweet that’s been “liked” more than 16,000 times on X, one fan pointed out: “Watching White Lotus and floored myself realizing the goofy manager is the actor that played Rudolf Höss ...
A new documentary exploring what the real-life children of Rudolf Höss knew, and when, is hitting theaters. (JTA) — In “The Zone of Interest,” the Oscar-winning drama about life adjacent to ...
Eine amerikanische Stiftung gegen Extremismus hat die ehemalige Villa des Auschwitz-Kommandanten Rudolf Höß gekauft. Das Haus direkt neben dem früheren deutschen Konzentrations- und ...
Höss was hanged from the gallows between the camp and his house in 1947. The surviving Höss family continued to put a distance between themselves and what Rudolf Höss had done.
In his memoirs, Rudolf Höss wrote of the murders that took place that spring of 1942: "It was most important that the whole business of arriving and undressing should take place in an atmosphere ...
Oswiecim (Auschwitz) – Eine US-amerikanische Stiftung gegen Extremismus hat die ehemalige Villa des Auschwitz-Kommandanten Rudolf Höß gekauft. Das Haus direkt neben dem früheren deutschen ...
OSWIECIM, Poland (AP) — A U.S.-based organization is transforming the house of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss into a research center devoted to fighting extremism, and is introducing it to ...