Average asking rents have risen to £557 a week, new figures have revealed. Lettings agents Foxtons said the figure for ...
Many flat sales are stalling due to a lack of meaningful progress on unsafe cladding repairs, estate agents have warned.
Investors are targeting the Single-Family Housing (SFH) market as the booming sector aims to help fill the PRS shortfall.
Landlords are being invited to a “five-star training day” to help them navigate the biggest changes in the rental market for 30 years.
A new “crackdown on bad landlords” has been introduced by a London council. It will see the council launching a new HMO ...
More landlords are investing in HMOs as higher mortgage costs prompt them to turn to larger properties with better returns.
A landlord company has failed in its bid to increase a tenant’s rent by 25% after a First Tier Property Tribunal heard that poor standards would lower the market rent.
Licences are set to cost £955 for the five-year scheme, which was approved after the council reported that voluntary ...
A portfolio landlord has taken on a huge loan to consolidate 22 properties across London and Birmingham. The borrower, a ...
The NRLA is hosting free "On Tour" events across England and Wales, offering expert advice on upcoming legislation. The first ...
The Renters Rights Bill has moved a step closer to Royal Ascent. The Lords will scrutinize the detail of the bill and agree ...
A growing number of tenants in the build-to-rent (BTR) sector are using deposit alternative products as many opt to invest a ...