It is the slight changes in genes, called mutations, that create variations and make possible the dramatic changes of evolution. But more than genes change. Our ideas, catch phrases, beliefs ...
By leveraging blockchain technology, AI, and decentralized mechanisms, we create a comprehensive system for tracking, analyzing, and predicting the intricate evolution of memes and cultural trends.
But how did this memetic evolution get started? How did memes emerge in the first place? Although cultural evolution is much faster than the genetic equivalent, the two are analogous, in that memes ...
The famous 'Monk Temptation' or 'Me Trying to Live a Normal Productive Life' meme has an interesting origin and evolution story in the memetic universe. The painting behind the creation of one of ...
Abstract: This article proposes an Enhanced Memetic Differential Evolution (EMDE) for designing digital filters which aim at detecting defects of the paper produced during an industrial process.
It is a random search algorithm inspired by natural memetics which provides high performance by integrating the potential advantages of both the Memetic Algorithm (MA) and the Particle Swarm ...
The QDMA integrates the superiorities of distributed, memetic, and quantum evolution. Computational experiments are carried out to evaluate the superior performance of QDMA. The results demonstrate ...