A policy to blacklist fired corrections officers from county, town, village, and school district jobs is on pause, until ...
"Eliminating this funding not only hurts seniors and people who need the services provided by it, it violates the ...
Poloncarz said he’s ready and willing to sue the federal government to pay out money owed. He also told The Buffalo News that ...
Local Buffalo politicians gathered March 18 at Buffalo State University to discuss how the public can become more politically ...
New York’s industrial past has left many sites contaminated, and cleaning them up isn’t cheap. That’s where brownfield tax ...
Buffalo, N.Y. (WBEN) - Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz lashed out at the Buffalo Bills on Friday over the NFL team's unfolding process for obtaining Personal Seat Licenses (PSLs) for the new ...
Local officials celebrated the official launch of a new automotive technician program on Wednesday at the Northland Workforce ...
Vehicle and truck crossings at the US-Canadian border in western New York are down 13% this year as fewer Canadians make the ...
Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz said the county is in a "better position" regarding road salt than "not too long ago" with barns about 50 to 60% full and more deliveries expected soon.